Add Splitter/Add Mixer Tool


Splitter and mixers are used in HVAC in order to connect multiple items of equipment to a sub-loop by means of parallel branches:



Note: Only one splitter and one mixer can be incorporated within both the supply and demand sub-loops of plant and condenser loops and consequently the Add splitter and Add mixer tool will only appear on the toolbar if an existing splitter and mixer have been removed.


Air loops are slightly different in that air supply sub-loops comprise series component connections and consequently do not require any splitter or mixer with the exception of dual-duct systems which incorporate a single splitter to enable the flow to be split between hot and cold ducts. Air demand sub-loops are similar to plant and condenser sub-loops in that they can only contain a single mixer but can incorporate an additional splitter to cater for dual duct systems.


To place a splitter or mixer, click on the Add splitter or Add mixer tool and click the mouse button when the splitter/mixer is at the required location. After clicking the mouse button, you can then rotate the splitter/mixer by moving the mouse in a circular direction around the centre of the component to obtain the required orientation: