Heated Floor - Variable Flow

Similar to the constant flow heated floor but control of the variable flow heated floor is accomplished by throttling the hot water flow to the unit.


Note one big advantage of the EnergyPlus variable flow heated floor over the constant flow heated floor is that it is fully autosizable.


This is a read-only label that is automatically generated by the software and which incorporates the name of the zone in which the heated floor is located.


There are two types of heated floor available:


Tube Settings

Hydronic tubing inside diameter

This is the inside diameter of the tubes through which water is circulated (in m or in). The inside diameter should be entered in metres and is used to determine the convective heat transfer from the water to the inside surface of the hydronic tubing.

Hydronic tubing length

This is the total length of embedded pipe (in m or ft). The length of the tube is used to determine the effectiveness of heat transfer from the fluid being circulated through the tubes and the tube/surface. Longer tubing lengths result in more heat that will be transferred to/from the radiant surface to the circulating fluid. This data is auto-sizable.

Flow Settings

Maximum hot water flow rate

This is the maximum flow rate of hot water through the heated floor (in m3/s or gal/min). The controls for the floor will vary the flow rate of hot water through the surface(s) using zero flow and the maximum flow rate specified in this field as the lower and upper bounds, respectively.


Temperature control type

This option is only available when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data


Along with setpoint (control) and water schedules, this setting allows you to specify how the heated floor is to be controlled. The temperature denoted in the setpoint schedule can refer to one of five different temperatures: the zone mean air temperature, the zone mean radiant temperature, the zone operative temperature, the outdoor dry-bulb temperature, or the outdoor wet-bulb temperature. The choice of temperature is controlled by the temperature control type. The user must select from the following options:



Operative temperature for heated floor controls is the average of Mean Air Temperature and Mean Radiant Temperature. See the control temperature schedule settings below for more information.

Heating control temperature schedule

This option is only available when using the 2-Detailed HVAC Detailed HVAC Activity data


The Heating control temperature schedule specifies the heating setpoint or control temperature for the heated floor (in °C only). Used in conjunction with the Throttling range, it will define whether or not the system is running and the current flow rate. Water flow rate to the system is varied linearly around the setpoint temperature based on the Throttling range and the Maximum heating flow rate parameters (see above). It should be noted that this control schedule will allow different setpoint temperatures throughout the year for heating. The control of the heated floor is based solely on the values in this schedule, and the Temperature control type described above. The heated floor will not use the HVAC zone thermostat that might be used by other systems serving the zone in which the component resides.

Throttling range

This is the range of temperature (°C) which the heated floor throttles from zero flow rate up to the maximum defined by the Maximum hot water flow rate described above. The throttling range parameter is used in conjunction with the control temperature to define the response of the system to various zone conditions. The heating control temperature schedule specifies the setpoint temperature where the flow rate to the system is at half of the maximum flow rate. For example, if the heating control temperature setpoint is currently 15°C and the heating throttling range is 2°C, the water flow rate to the system will be zero when the controlling temperature (see Temperature Control Type below) is at or above 16°C and the maximum flow rate when the controlling temperature is at or below 14°C. This represents a throttling range of 2°C around the setpoint of 15°C. In between 14°C and 16°C, the flow rate to the radiant system is varied linearly.



The minimum throttling range is 0.5°C.


Availability Schedule

This is the schedule that determines whether or not the component is available for each timestep of the simulation. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during the timestep. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit must be off for the timestep.