Optimisation Design Variable

Accessed from Optimisation Analysis Settings dialog


Design Variable


Select the variable from the list.


Warning: In the current beta it is possible to edit Variables but this should not be allowed and users are advised not to attempt to edit the Variables that make up the selection list.

Note: In current beta versions all variables are listed for selection regardless of the state of the model and care must be taken to select variables that are appropriate for the model. For example, if the Scheduled natural ventilation model option is used then changes in the % External window opens variable (which only applies to Calculated natural ventilation) won't affect results.

Min value

The lowest value that this numeric design variable can take on. This option is only visible when a numeric variable has been selected (above).

Max value

The highest value that this numeric design variable can take on. This option is only visible when a numeric variable has been selected (above).


Not used yet. This option is only visible when a numeric variable has been selected (above).


Click on the browse button to open a list of components or templates for selection. Items can be selected by checking the appropriate checkboxes.


When a template is selected as the variable, one of the selected templates from the list are loaded in each iteration of the optimisation analysis.


This option is only visible when a list variable has been selected (above).


Target objects

This option allows you to select one or more object(s) to which the variations are to be applied.


Note: In the current beta versions this option is not selectable and the variations are all applied at the building level. While this can be limiting, it is still possible to achieve some control through appropriate use of hard and default settings at block, zone, surface and opening levels in the model.