Summary Cooling Design Table
The Cooling design summary tab provides these display options:
- 1-Zones - design cooling loads and flow rates for each
zone plus other related data
- 2-Building totals - total building loads at the time of maximum total building cooling load
The Summary screen, 1-Zones display option shows design cooling loads and flow rates for each
zone plus other related data.
- Design Capacity,
shown in bold, is the maximum value of Total Cooling
Load and Sensible multiplied by the
Design margin to give the design cooling
capacity of the equipment. This value is written into the Cooling capacity
Model data on the HVAC tab if the appropriate Plant
sizing Model Option is set.
- Design Flow Rate,
shown in bold, is the flow rate required to deliver the Sensible
cooling load using the Design supply temperature
and the zone air temperature at the time of the maximum load multiplied
by the Design margin.
- Total
Cooling Load is the total maximum Sensible
+ Latent loads for the zone at the time
of maximum Sensible Cooling
load. If latent load is negative then it is ignored here and the Total
Cooling Load is the same as the Sensible load.
- Sensible is the
maximum Sensible Cooling
load for the zone in the Design day.
- Latent is the latent
load for the zone at the time of maximum Sensible load, calculated as
Total Cooling - Sensible
- Air Temperature is
the Air temperature in the zone at the time of maximum Sensible load.
- Humidity is the
humidity (%) in the zone at the time of maximum Sensible load.
- Time of Max Cooling
- the time at which the maximum sensible cooling occurs.
- Max Op Temp in Day is
the maximum operative temperature in the zone (using radiant fraction
= 0.5) over the design day including periods when the zone may be unconditioned.
- Floor area is the
floor area of the zone.
- Volume is the volume of the zone.
- Flow/Floor area
(MBH/ft2 in IP units) is the Design
Flow Rate divided by the Floor area
of the zone. It provides a useful check for the flow rates calculated.
Building Totals
The Summary screen, 2-Building totals display option shows total building loads at the time of maximum total building cooling load.
Time of Max Total Cooling Load - the time of the maximum cooling load in the building.
Sensible Cooling Load - the total building sensible cooling load at the time of max total cooling load.
Latent Cooling Load - the total building latent cooling load at the time of max total cooling load.
Total Cooling Load - sum of sensible and latent cooling loads at the time of max total cooling load.
Tip: Use the Export command to export
summary data to spreadsheet format.