Model scope

Data tab on Model Options dialog.


You can use the scope control to switch between whole building and single zone modes.  


  1. Zone - only the current zone is modelled and all internal surfaces between this zone and other zones are modelled as being adiabatic, i.e .heat is transferred into the wall mass as if the temperature of the other zone is the same as the current zone.. This option is only allowed if you are at zone level because the current zone is used to select the single zone to be analysed.

  2. Zone + Shading - as above but the surfaces of other zones are modelled as shading surfaces. This option models a single zone but includes shading due to other parts of the building and its shading devices. Note that if the single zone is part of a large complex building, simulations using this option are often little or no quicker to complete than the full building simulation. This is because the shading calculations required for the large number of shading elements used to model the rest of the building are slow.

  3. Building - All zones and shading in the model are included in the simulations


To use one of the single-zone options make sure you are currently editing the zone you want to model.


Note 1: When using one of the zone scope options, the model data that you actually see in the model is taken from the building level and not the zone level as you might expect. So for example having set this option, you may find that the zone data for the single zone model is different to the values that were set for that zone before the scope change.

Note 2: A more flexible way to achieve the same effect is to use the Include zone option which allows more than one zone to be included in the cut-down model. Also in this case, the model data used is zone data rather than building level data as expected.