Door Operation

Openings tab in model data under Doors


The operation of doors can be defined by entering data under Operation headers:



The way this data is used depends on the Natural ventilation model option set:


The average door opening size used in the simulation is calculated by multiplying the % Area door opens by the % Time the door is open by the gross door area. A schedule can be applied to control timing of the opening.


The ventilation rate through the door opening is calculated based on the wind and stack pressure effects.


External door opening is not modelled explicitly with the Scheduled natural ventilation model data setting. Instead, the total natural ventilation flow rate and operation is defined for each zone on the HVAC tab. No operation data is entered on the Openings tab for external doors.


Internal doors are modelled using the EnergyPlus 'Mixing' object which mixes air between the two adjacent zones.  DesignBuilder uses a very approximate empirical relationship to calculate the mixing flow:


Flow (m3/s) = Door area (m2) * % area door opens * % time door is open * Farea-flow


where Farea-flow is a factor used to obtain the mixing flow from the opening area = 0.1.


A schedule can be applied to control timing of the mixing flow..