
The weather stations are accessed graphically by navigating around a map of the globe and clicking on stations. To help you access the right stations it is usually necessary to navigate to the appropriate location and to zoom in to the local region. The controls to do that in Climate Analytics are standard so if you are familiar with other similar online map tools you will easily be able to navigate the map.


There are 3 different ways to zoom in to an area:


  1. Double-click on an empty area of the map (i.e. not on a map icon), or

  2. Move the mouse cursor to the centre of the region you would like to view more closely and rotate the mouse centre wheel to zoom in.

  3. Use the “+” icon in the top left of the left-hand panel.


For example, the easiest way to access data for a location in or around London, UK, is to hover the mouse over the London region and rotate the mouse centre wheel until you are zoomed to the correct level.


To zoom out again for a wider view you can use the “-“ icon in the top left of the left-hand panel or the mouse centre wheel.


You can move around the map without changing the zoom level by panning. This allows you to centre your position on your location of interest. Do this by:


  1. Clicking and dragging on a blank area of the map by holding the left mouse button down and moving the mouse until the map is positioned as required, or,

  2. Dragging while pressing the mouse centre button.