Statistics tab on Hourly Weather data Dialog.
The statistics displayed
are generated by the EnergyPlus weather data translation utility.
The statistics data is used to identify useful simulation periods:
Summer start month, Summer end month define the summer simulation period in mmm format.
Winter start month, Winter end month define the winter simulation period in mmm format.
Extreme hot week, starting defines the first day of the hottest week of the year.
Typical hot week, starting defines the first day of a typical summer week.
Extreme cold week, starting defines the first day of the coldest week of the year.
Typical cold week, starting defines the first day of a typical winter week.
Note: week starting dates must be in the format mmm dd - any other format will generate an error when clicking on the links in the Simulation Options dialog.
This data can be accessed from the Simulation Calculation options dialog to set up typical simulation periods (screenshot right) .