
Components represent individual building elements and can be referenced from other components, templates or model data. The following components are available:



Library components are loaded into the model at the time the file is created and from then on they are associated specifically with the model and so are known as Model components. Any later change made to the Library components does not affect existing building models because they reference their own set of Model components.

Managing component data

You can edit and move component data around in various ways:


  1. Add, Edit, Delete, Import and Export Component library data from the Opening Screen - Component Library tab.
  2. If a model file is loaded you can edit Model components from the Components tab in the Navigator panel (Learning mode switched off) or by using the Data management panel on the right of the screen (Learning mode switched on).
  3. In either case, to add a component open up the component type you wish to define by clicking on the + to the left of the component icon, then click on the category of component you wish to define.  Now click on the  Green '+'  to add a component of the selected category.
  4. Import/export Model component using the File > Export > Library data menu command to create a .ddf file with the .dsb model file open.
  5. To import the previously exported Model component data to the Component library close the .dsb file and import the .ddf file to the library.
  6. Load the latest library components into your model using the Import library components and templates to model command from the Tools menu when a model is loaded. Any new data that has been added to the library since the model file was created will be imported to the model. Also if there have been any changes to library component data, this new data will overwrite the original data.


Important Note: any component you add while a model is open will be added to Model components and not to the Component library. It will only be added to the library and hence to new models if you export the new component model data in .ddf form and import the .ddf file to the library before creating the new model.

Colour code

Components are coded by colour in the Navigator panel and selection lists as follows: