DesignBuilder Licensing

DesignBuilder has different licensing systems for single user and site licences. This page gives further details on these beyond the basics described in the Licensing and Activation section.

Single user licenses

A single user licence allows you install DesignBuilder onto a maximum of 2 computers for personal use, for example one on a desktop and one on a laptop. If you need to use the software on a third computer then you must first deactivate one of the other 2 computers.


When you purchase a DesignBuilder single user license, you will receive an 8-digit activation code. To use this enter it in the License dialog accessed from the Help menu within DesignBuilder and press the Activate button. This will cause DesignBuilder to automatically download licences for all modules associated with the activation code and activate them. You will then be able to use the software and run functionality associated with each activated license.


DesignBuilder also periodically checks to ensure that the licence is still valid. To do this it must connect to our servers over the Internet. If DesignBuilder hasn't been able to check licences for 2 days then it will request that you connect to the Internet so it can check license status. If it still fails to connect after a further 24 hours, then the licenses will be deactivated on that computer. To reactivate simply connect to the Internet and press the Activate button on the License dialog.

Managing activations

You can deactivate activation codes from within DesignBuilder by pressing the Remove activation code from this computer button on the License dialog.


Alternatively licenses can removed from computers using the Activation Codes > Deactivate webpage on the website. You can get to the Deactivate webpage by first clicking on the Activation codes option on the left hand side of the web site under the Account Management header.



Clicking on the Deactivate button takes you to the Deactivation page (below):



From this webpage you can either deactivate a license on a particular computer or permanently cancel an activation to prevent users no longer entitled to use the software from using it. For example if an employee leaves the company but still has a copy of the software activated at home then this can easily be cancelled allowing the activation code to be used by someone else. To cancel an activation click on the disable button on the Deactivation webpage.

Site Network licenses

Site network licenses require a single license server to be installed and run on the network and for each client computer using DesignBuilder an environment variable must be set to tell DesignBuilder where on the network to find the license server.

Summary of Process

In summary, the steps to set up DesignBuilder Site Licenses are:


  1. Download the file from the Downloads > Software area of the DesignBuilder website
  2. Extract the files in the file to the folder on the server to be used to store DesignBuilder site license files (e.g. c:\RLMSERVER)
  3. Obtain the License file by clicking on activate.cmd, following instructions on the webpage and saving the license file to the site license folder.
  4. Run the RLM server as a service and start the service.
  5. On client machines which are to run the DesignBuilder software, set the environment variable DB_SITE_SERVER to the IP address of the site license server on the network.


The above steps are detailed below.

Obtaining your License File

Before you run the rlm server you will need to obtain your license file and save it into the rlm installation folder. That's the folder containing rlm.exe and other files listed above. You should have received an activation code from your site license purchase,

this is an 8-digit number and is needed to activate the license. Open the rlm installation folder in Windows Explorer and

double click on activate.cmd This loads a web page at with a form for you to enter your activation code. Other values in the form such as Hostid are automatically filled in for you. After entering your activation code click Activate License and if successful you will be presented with a download link for your activated license file. Download the license file and save in your rlm installation folder.


Running the RLM Server

The server can be run directly by double clicking rlm.exe. This runs a command window and logs activity to the window. This is useful when you first run the license server as you'll be able to see the license server starting up correctly and loading the license file as well as DesignBuilder clients obtaining licenses from the server.

Running RLM as a Service

It is best to set rlm up to run as a Windows service rather than in the command window, otherwise you'll need to remember to manually restart the license server when the computer reboots. If you are running rlm in a command window please close that before starting up rlm as a service. To create the Windows service to run rlm automatically double click on service_install.cmd or use Manage Windows Service in the admin interface.


Note: The service will be added to Windows services but not started.


Use Control Panel > Services to start DesignBuilder License Server.



Once started in this way the service will restart automatically if the computer is rebooted. By default the service will write a log file designb_rlm.log into the rlm installation folder. If you want this in a different location you can use the admin interface (below) to set up the service then you can specify the service name and the log file location. On Vista you may have problems with permissions when setting up the service. You can either disable the UAC or try right clicking service_install.cmd and choosing "Run as administrator"

Setting up Client Machines

DesignBuilder will examine the environment variable DB_SITE_SERVER to decide whether to look for site licenses or single user licenses. If DB_SITE_SERVER is set then DesignBuilder will try to 'check out' licenses from the server at start up. If DB_SITE_SERVER is not set this DesignBuilder will use single user licenses. The environment variable DB_SITE_SERVER should be set to port@host where port is 5053 and host is the license server hostname (in your DNS system) or IP address.


For example:








To set environment variables use the Environment Variables button on the Advanced tab of Systems Properties which can be accessed from the Windows Control panel.


You can find the IP address of your server by typing ipconfig in the Windows Command box on the server machine.



Once DesignBuilder is running you can check out or check back in module licenses using the License dialog which can be accessed from the DesignBuilder Help menu.

RLM Server Admin Interface

RLM provides a browser-based administration interface to the license server. To run this, double click on the admin_interface.cmd file in the RLM folder using Windows Explorer.


Refer to the RLM End User Manual (double click online_manual.cmd) for more details on using the admin interface.


Note: DesignBuilder does not use the Activation page of the admin interface.


Reprise Software developers of the RLM licensing system always maintains a current version of the RLM End User's Manual here:

Adding a lic file for extra seats

If you purchase additional seats for a site network license system, the new licenses are provided in the form of a lic file download. The process of obtaining the additional lic file is the same as described above under Obtaining your License File. The new lic file does not replace the existing lic files, but is used in addition to the existing licenses. The license server reads these multiple lic files, licenses from multiple lic files adding to give the total number of seats of concurrent use that are allowed.