Optimisation Limitations

The current v3.1.0.080 Beta has these limitations:


  1. Optimisation results generated from a previous version of DB may be lost when loading the model into a newer version.
  2. For best results you must enter reasonably accurate maximum values for objective functions on the Optimisation calculation options dialog. If you enter values that are much too large then that objective will tend to have less priority in the evolutionary tests carried out during the course of the analysis.
  3. You must run a simulation with monthly/annual output for the model (on the Analysis tab) before clicking on the optimisation tab. If you don’t have any monthly/annual results on this tab then you must re-run the base simulation before updating the optimisation analysis.
  4. Constraints are not correctly modelled yet. At the moment they are implemented as an additional objective function. We advise that you do not use constraints until they are fully implemented.
  5. The only target building model object is the building itself. This means that all model variations are generated by changing model data at building level.
  6. The Daylight availability KPI is not yet enabled but we hope to have this working soon.
  7. Parallel simulations aren't enabled yet but we expect to enable this in a near future beta release once internal tests are complete. These will significantly speed up processing for slower models.
  8. It isn't possible to store multiple optimisation results sets within the DesignBuilder model.


The optimisation functionality will be improved over the coming months and DesignBuilder Software expect all of the above limitations will be lifted for the full release.


See also Optimisation Tips and Tricks