Simulation Calculation Options

These options control the simulation and the output produced.


Click on the OK button to start the Simulation.


Calculation description

Enter some text to identify the calculation. This will be used in reports and in the filename for automatically generated ESO files.

Simulation Period

The simulation period is described in the help for the Model options.


Selecting Monthly is required to obtain annual output. Monthly, daily, hourly and sub-hourly data can selected by checking the appropriate boxes.


Note: selecting output at hourly or sub-hourly intervals can produce large amounts of data which slows processing and results in large file sizes. If you want to generate hourly or sub-hourly data you may wish to consider switching off some of the Output options to ensure you are only generating the data you require.


This dialog is always shown when you select 'Update' and will also be shown before all simulations if 'Don't show this dialog' at the bottom is cleared.


See help for Simulation calculation options tab on the Model Options dialog.


See help for the Output Options tab on the Model Options dialog.

Simulation Manager

See separate help for Simulation Manager