Import 3-D BIM Data

DesignBuilder provides interoperability with BIM models through its gbXML import capability. This allows you to import 3-D architectural models created in Revit, ArchiCAD or Microstation and other BIM systems supporting gbXML data exchange.


To import gbXML data you should first create a building with no blocks, then click on File > Import > Import BIM/gbXML model. This opens the Import 3-D CAD Model dialog.


Unlike the 2-D floor plan import which provides only a set of lines for tracing over, importing 3-D CAD data imports the full geometry as blocks with zones, windows, doors and shading surfaces.



Example gbXML imported from Revit into DesignBuilder


Example gbXML imported from ArchiCAD into DesignBuilder

Import 3-D CAD Model dialog

This dialog has two pages. On the first page you can select the xml file to import. Once you have selected the model, press the Next button to move to the second page. For large models there will be a delay at this point while the xml data is loaded. The second page shows a simple thumbnail view of the gbXML data along with some simple controls to control the way the import is to be carried out.



You can display the thumbnail of the gbXML data from various viewpoints. Select from:


Adjacency tolerance

The is the maximum gap between neighbouring parallel gbXML surfaces that will be interpreted as being an adjacency between 2 spaces. You might enter a value higher than the default 0.01m if the gbXML spaces are separated by large gaps due to thick partitions or ceiling /floor voids being excluded from the gbXML. For example if the largest gap in the between spaces that are to be modelled as adjacent is 0.3m then enter 0.3m here.


The Adjacency tolerance can also be updated after the import from the Advanced tab of the Model options dialog.

Import as building blocks

By default this option is selected and the geometric space data will be imported as building blocks ready for use in DesignBuilder modelling.


You can instead import BIM space geometry as outline blocks by unchecking this option. The outline blocks give an exact representation of the gbXML spaces in the gbXML and this can be useful for diagnosing problems with poor gbXML, For example if any part of a space intersects with another space then it would not created as a building block but it could be created as an outline block.

Import thermal properties

If this option is selected then DesignBuilder will any load materials, constructions and glazing system thermal properties present in the BIM model and assign them to surfaces and windows in the model.

Import shading surfaces

Shading surfaces are specially marked in gbXML data and so can be treated separately if required. You can choose to import shading surfaces as part of the import or not using this control. Shading surfaces imported through gbXML will be 2-D flat shading surfaces.

Merge co-planar surfaces

If the above Import shading surfaces option is selected then you can choose to either merge any such co-planar surfaces or not.

BIM Surfaces (not Required in v4.3.0.115 and later)

You can select which of the various categories of gbXML surface objects should be applied to the model. Selected surface types will be listed in the Navigator, displayed on the Edit screen as planes of various colours, rendered on the Visualisation screen and included in Radiance daylighting and EnergyPlus simulations as shading surfaces.


Surface types that are not selected are still imported and can be displayed by changing selections on the Drawing tools tab of the Model options dialog after the import if required.


Note: The Component block shades and reflects option on the Constructions tab can be unchecked to prevent particular planes from being included in the EnergyPlus simulations.

How does DesignBuilder gbXML Import Work?

The geometric information contained in gbXML includes a collection of surface and space objects which represent the outer and inner volumes of rooms in the parent BIM model respectively. The surface objects are derived from corresponding wall, ceiling, floor etc elements in the BIM and also contain openings for windows and doors. The space objects aren’t native to the BIM system but are identified by users through a manual or semi-automatic process. The result of the spatial identification process is a collection of spaces that are separated by gaps that would be filled in the parent BIM model by the BIM primitives such as partitions, slabs, etc.


Internally DesignBuilder includes 2 different ways to import gbXML data:



The DesignBuilder gbXML import works by simply mapping the gbXML space surface geometry to building blocks, one block per zone.


Depending on the method used to identify the block geometry they represent:



Note: It is important to understand that in both cases the success of the BIM to DesignBuilder data transfer process depends on how well the spatial identification process has been conducted in the BIM system. If there are intersecting or missing spaces in the BIM model then the model imported into DesignBuilder will also have problems.


The adjacency between neighbouring surfaces is calculated within DesignBuilder based on the Separation tolerance setting.


Constructions and glazing systems are assigned to surfaces in the gbXML and when the Import thermal properties option is selected in the import dialog the constructions assigned in the BIM program will be assigned at surface level within the imported model.


Shading surfaces in the gbXML are retained and displayed in the imported model. Other surface objects aren't normally required and are hidden after the import has been completed but can be activated as shading surfaces from the Model options dialog, Drawing tools tab.

The Revit DesignBuilder Workflow

There is a DesignBuilder plugin for the most recent versions of Revit, which can help to ease the workflow when transferring BIM models from Revit to DesignBuilder. This is installed with DesignBuilder. The version of Revit you wish to use must be installed at the time you install DesignBuilder.


You can read how to get the most from the Revit to DesignBuilder link in DesignBuilder Revit – gbXML Tutorial.