Life Cycle Cost - Use Adjustment

Used by advanced users to adjust the energy or water use costs for future years. This should not be used for compensating for inflation but should only be used to increase the costs of energy or water based on assumed changes to the actual use of water or energy, such as due to changes in the future function of the building or the impact of future adjacent buildings on energy use. This object is not commonly used and should be used with caution. The adjustments begin at the start of the service period.

Number of adjustments used

The number of adjustments applied in this life-cycle cost can be selected from this dropdown list. The following fields can be repeated up to the number selected in this field.

Adjustment n Settings


The identifier used for this use adjustment data.


Select the resource from:


Number of years of adjustment

This number can be selected by the dropdown list. Often 25 to 50 years of values are required.

Adjustment Data

Year 1 multiplier

The multiplier to be applied to the end use cost for the first year in the service period. The total utility costs for the selected end use is multiplied by this value. For no change enter 1.0.

Year n multiplier

The multiplier to be applied to the end use cost for each following year. The total utility costs for the selected end use is multiplied by this value. For no change enter 1.0.


Note: If the number of years of Use price escalation is less than the number of years in the analysis period, the remaining years will assume no escalation, therefore normal inflation will be the only affect for these years.