Construction and glazing model Option

Data tab on Model Options dialog.

Construction and glazing

The Construction and glazing model option controls the way Construction templates are loaded on the Construction model data tab. When the option is set to Pre-design you can load construction templates using the Insulation and Thermal mass slider controls. When set to General, templates are loaded by selection from a Construction templates list in the usual way.

Floor/slab/ceiling representation

You can choose to model floors, ceilings and flat roofs each having a single construction or by combining separate constructions for floor, slab and ceiling. The options are:



Zone volume = Block height x (Block width - wall thickness) x (Block depth - wall thickness) - Floor area x Floor construction Thickness.


When the floor constructions are not to be subtracted from the zone volume then the last term in the above equation is not included and the zone volume is simply floor area x block height.


The 3 options (shown in the screenshot above) are:


Internal floor constructions not subtracted from zone volume - selected by default, this option allows you to include/exclude the volume of the internal floors from the zone volume. Uncheck this option if you wish internal floor constructions to be subtracted from zone volume.


External floor constructions not subtracted from zone volume - selected by default, this option allows you to include/exclude the volume of the external floors from the zone volume. Uncheck this option if you wish external floor constructions to be subtracted from zone volume.


Ground floor construction is below ground and is not subtracted from zone volume - selected by default, this option allows you to include/exclude the volume of the ground floors from the zone volume. Clear this option if you wish ground floor constructions to be considered as being within the zone and subtracted from zone volume. Keep option selected if the ground construction is to be modelled as being below ground level and not subtracted from the zone volume.


For more information on the effect of these options and also some limitations see the Model Geometry Example section.



With Separate constructions, the volume of the floor constructions + floor void and ceiling constructions + ceiling void can be included or excluded from the zone air volume by making the appropriate setting under Zone volume calculations.

Important Note: New users are advised not to use the Separate construction option. This is because it can be confusing trying to understand how constructions are built up with this option, especially if you do not check EnergyPlus idf data. The Separate Constructions model option will not be supported in DesignBuilder v5

Note: the zone air volume referred to above is used for calculating air flow rates for natural ventilation, mechanical ventilation and for infiltration.  

Window to wall ratio method

This setting is used to specify whether or not the outside wall surface or inside wall surface is to used to calculate the available area for glazing. Options are:



When the attribute is set to use the outer wall surface, visualisations will default to single skin display (all walls paper thin) to allow full size windows to be rendered properly.


See also:

Block and Zone Dimensions