Miscellaneous Edit

Drawing tools tab on Model Options dialog.

Automatic block zoning

By default DesignBuilder automatically generates zones as partitions are drawn. You can change this behaviour by unchecking the Automatic block zoning option.  In this case partitions are shown in blue as they are drawn and are referred to as outline partitions. Outline partitions do not create new zones and are modelled in the same way in simulations as hanging partitions. To convert any outline partitions to standard partitions and to rezone the block use the Rezone block command accessed from the Tools menu. Note that outline partitions that do not connect at both ends (known in DesignBuilder as hanging partitions) will remain in blue even after the Rezone block command.


Alternatively, to convert all outline partitions in the building to standard partitions and hence rezone the whole building you can use the Rebuild command. This will take longer to process than the Rezone block command as it recalculates the surface and adjacency geometry as well rezoning.


Note: switching Automatic block zoning off also prevents rezoning following other partition edit commands such as delete, copy and undo/redo.

Automatically include voids from lower blocks

Select this option if you would like DesignBuilder to automatically punch voids through new blocks drawn on top of existing blocks having voids. If you leave this option switched off (default state) you can still draw voids at the block level using the ghosted outline of adjacent voids in a block below as a guide.

Edit block model data

Use this option to allow editing of block level model data.


Note: If you disable block editing you will no longer be able to edit Model Data at the block level in the current building and so will not be able to set different defaults for different blocks.

Clip surface openings

By default if any part of an opening lies outside the valid surface area when drawn at surface level or when copied or moved at surface or building level, it is discarded entirely. Checking this option allows the opening to be retained but clipped so that it lies entirely on the parent surfaces.


This option also applies to cases where a block cut operation splits an existing custom opening. When this option is checked DesignBuilder will attempt to retain the 2 halves of the opening following the cut. Otherwise any such split custom openings will be lost. Default windows, vents and doors generated by the façade mechanism are unaffected by this option.

Surface opening clip tolerance

If the Clip surface openings option (above) is selected then you can edit the tolerance used in the clipping process. If the clipped opening polygon is smaller than this value as a fraction of the total area of the original unclipped opening then it will be discarded. The default is 0.05, i.e. if the clipped opening has area less than 5% of the original unclipped area then it is deleted.