FCU Ventilation

HVAC tab in model data under Mechanical Ventilation header - Compact HVAC


You can set the amount, timing and control of outside air delivery through the HVAC air distribution system on the HVAC tab.


Outside air requirement data is set at the zone level on the HVAC tab.


The Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration data is displayed on the Heating design, Cooling design and Simulation screens when you select 1-All or 3-Comfort data. This is the sum of fresh air delivered through the HVAC system, infiltration and natural ventilation outside airflow in air changes per hour (ac/h) and when used together with the other environmental output it can be very useful in checking for occupant discomfort.

Outside air definition method

Defines the method used to set the maximum outside air delivery rate. The actual outside air flow rate during simulation is modified by the Minimum AHU outside air requirement schedule described below. The options are:



m3/s = ac/h x ZoneVolume / 3600


where ZoneVolume is the actual air volume of the space calculated according to Model options for excluding floor/ceiling constructions.


Note: this zone volume may be slightly different from the value used for the purposes of calculating air flow rates for infiltration which uses the total zone volume.



m3/s = MinFreshAir x NumberPeople / 1000


NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).

MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).



m3/s = l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000


where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.

MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).



m3/s = (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea + MinFreshAir x NumberPeople)/ 1000


where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.

MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).

NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).

MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).



m3/s = Maximum of (l/s-m2 x ZoneFloorArea / 1000) and (MinFreshAir x NumberPeople/ 1000)


where ZoneFloorArea is the actual floor area of the space.

MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per floor area (l/s-m2 or CFM/ft2).

NumberPeople = Occupancy density (people / m2) * Zone floor area (m2).

MinFreshAir is the minimum fresh air rate per person (l/s/person or CFM).

Outside air flow rate

Enter the minimum zone outside air delivery rate in air changes per hour when Outside air definition method (above) is 1-By zone. The actual minimum amount of outside air entering the AHU can be modified by the Minimum AHU outside air requirement schedule (below).


Note however that this value is used unmodified by any schedules for Heating design calculations when mechanical ventilation is switched on and included in the analysis.

Maximum supply air flow rate

The maximum supply air flow rate is the total flow rate of air entering the zone (not necessarily all fresh air). It can be defined at the zone level when using Compact HVAC or it can be left in the default state (Auto), in which case the maximum supply air flow rate is calculated based only on the maximum heating and cooling capacities.


This data is available at the zone level when using Unitary single zone, Unitary multizone or VAV Compact HVAC and the plant sizing options Autosize when not set or Manual.


Note: To model systems with no outside air you should switch on Mechanical ventilation, select the 1-By zone Outside air definition method and set the air change rate to 0 ac/h.