Photovoltaic (PV) Systems

How to Model a PV Solar System - Summary

You can include PV panels in your model by following the instructions below.


  1. Position and size PV panels by following instructions in the Adding Solar Collectors topic.
  2. To access the properties of the PV panel first navigate to the solar collector object by double-clicking on the graphical object from building level or single-click on the solar collector item in the Navigator.
  3. Once at the Solar collector object, define the performance and other panel properties on the Constructions tab under the Solar Collector header.
  4. Define the electric side of the PV system at building level on the Generation tab under the On Site Electricity Generation header:
    1. Check the Include electric load centres check box.
    2. Add an Electric load centre and edit the details of the system.
    3. Select one of the DC buss types.
    4. Select the Inverter type.
    5. If using electrical storage define the Storage type.
    6. Select the building solar collector on the Generator list tab.
    7. Make sure that having defined a new Electric load centre that the correct one is selected on the Generation tab.
  5. When the simulation is finished you can view solar PV contributions on the Analysis and Summary tabs: