Hanging and Outline Partitions

Hanging partitions are partitions that do not create zones because they do not connect at both ends with other walls and/or partitions. Hanging partitions are created in the same way as ordinary partitions using the Draw partition tool, but are finished by pressing <Enter> (or the End partition stream command from the right click menu) to define the end of a partition stream. They are shown in light blue (see below) to differentiate them from normal and virtual partitions.



Hanging partitions are modelled non-geometrically in EnergyPlus as Internal thermal mass.


Note: Hanging partitions are not included in visualisation and daylighting studies (see below). You should use internal component blocks to create an obstruction to daylight or for more realistic visualisations.


Outline partitions

Also if Automatic block zoning is switched off, all new partitions are treated as outline partitions (shown in blue and do not create zones) until converted to standard partitions by using the Rezone block command from the Tools menu.