Simple Storage

The Simple storage option is accessed by selecting the Simple storage category on the Storage dialog. The Simple type of Electrical storage component is used to model storage of electricity in an Electric load centre. It is a simple model that does not attempt to represent any of the detailed performance characteristics of a real storage device such as a battery. The type of power, AC or DC, depends on the configuration chosen as the Electrical buss type in the Electric load centre.


This field contains a unique name for the electric storage device.


There are 2 categories to choose from:



The Category selected affects the type of model used and the data to be entered on the Storage dialog.

Availability schedule

This schedule describes the times when the storage device is available. If storage is not available, by scheduling a value of 0, then no electrical energy can be stored or drawn from the device. Any non-zero schedule value means the devices is available. If this field is blank, the schedule has values of 1 for all time periods.

Heat Gain to Zone

Attach to a zone

If the losses from the storage device should be represented as heat gains to a zone then check this box and select the zone in the next field.


This field contains the name of the thermal zone where the storage device is located. The selected zone will receive the storage losses as heat gains.

Radiative fraction for zone heat gains

This field contains the fraction of storage losses that enter the zone as long-wave thermal radiation. This should be a factor between 0.0 and 1.0. The balance of the losses are convective. This field is only used when a zone is attached.

Simple Options

Nominal energetic efficiency for charging

This field contains the charging efficiency. This is the energetic efficiency of storing electrical energy in the storage device. A value of 1.0 means the device does not lose any energy when charging.

Nominal discharging energetic efficiency

This field contains the discharging efficiency. This is the energetic efficiency of drawing electrical energy from the storage device. A value of 1.0 means the device does not lose any energy when drawing power.

Maximum storage capacity

This field describes the maximum amount of energy that can be stored in the device in Joules. Once the storage device is full, no additional energy can be stored in it.

Maximum power for discharging

This field describes the maximum rate at which electrical power can be discharged from the storage device (in W).

Maximum power for charging

This field describes the maximum rate at which electrical power can be stored in the device (in W).

Initial state of charge

This field describes the value for the initial state of charge in Joules. This is used to model the storage device as having some amount of stored energy at the beginning of the simulation period.