Winter Design Day

Schedule types for Detailed HVAC Autosizing (Compact and Typical workday Schedules)


This series of options allows you control which 7/12 Schedules are switched on during Detailed HVAC heating autosizing. 7/12 Schedules are categorised using the following categories when using the End-use defaults option:



For example, occupancy gains should normally be excluded when sizing heating plant to ensure that the design heating plant meets all heating loads itself. So leave the Occupancy check box unchecked. Heating and cooling demand schedules must be included to ensure the system operates so the Heating demand and Cooling demand options should normally left selected.


These options are also used for Typical workday schedules.


Note: Some users find this system of categories confusing and so generally you are advised to use either the 2-Profiles option where the schedule operation during heating and cooling are defined explicitly using a profile or use compact schedules where again heating and cooling design operation is defined explicitly.