Site location

Location tab on model data at Site level


You can set the latitude/longitude of the site for cooling design calculations as well as a number of site characteristics.


The latitude (in degrees) of the site. By convention, North Latitude is represented as positive; South Latitude as negative. Minutes should be represented in decimal fractions of 60. (15’ is 15/60 or .25)


The longitude (in degrees) of the site. By convention, East Longitude is represented as positive; West Longitude as negative. Minutes should be represented in decimal fractions of 60. (15’ is 15/60 or .25).


Note: the latitude and longitude location data will only affect cooling design calculations. For simulations, the position of the sun is defined by the location in the hourly weather file.

ASHRAE Climate Zone

The climate zone as defined by ASHRAE and loaded from the Location template can be overridden by selecting from this dropdown list This allows you to deal with situations where the default climate zone does not agree with the value in ASHRAE 90.1 Standard Appendix D. This is an important setting for ASHRAE 90.1 models as it defines the baseline constructions, glazing etc. to be used for the building.