Annual Illuminance - Climate-Based Daylight Modelling

Climate-based daylight modelling (CBDM) is the prediction of illuminance on the working plane using realistic sun and sky conditions based on standardised climate data. In DesignBuilder, CBDM evaluations are carried out for a full year at a time-step of an hour in order to capture the daily and seasonal dynamics of natural daylight. The Daysim daylighting engine is used in these simulations. You can read more about Daysim and the CBDM metrics output by DesignBuilder below. CBDM is also known as "dynamic daylighting".


Climate-Based Daylighting Metrics

Over the past decade a new family of daylighting metrics have been developed to describe and evaluate daylight in spaces. These metrics summarise the daylight availability over the whole year and throughout a space. Three main daylighting metrics calculated by DesignBuilder Daysim are: