Environmental Impact Factors

HVAC tab in model data


The Environmental Impact Factors data contains additional information that is not individually specified in the Fuel emission factors data. Source to Site conversion factors for District Heating, District Cooling and Steam are entered in this object.


This data can only be accessed when using the Detailed HVAC model option. It is available at building level only.

District heating efficiency

The District heating efficiency value is used to convert the district (purchased) heating energy to Natural Gas for the environmental impact calculation. The efficiency is a number between 0 and 1 and divided into the district heating energy and the default is 0.3.

District cooling COP

The District cooling COP value is used to convert the district (purchased) cooling energy to electricity for the environmental impact calculation. The Coefficient of Performance (COP) is a number greater than 0 and divided into the purchased cooling energy with a default of 3.0.

Steam conversion efficiency

The Steam conversion efficiency is used to convert the Steam usage to Natural Gas for the environmental impact calculation. The efficiency is a number between 0 and 1 and divided into the purchased heating energy and the default is 0.25.

Total carbon equivalent emission factor from N2O

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has studied the effects on the relative radiative forcing effects of various greenhouse gases. This effect, called Global Warming Potential (GWP), is described in terms of the Carbon Equivalent of a particular greenhouse gase. N2O (nitrous oxide) can be produced by some Fuel Types and has a default of carbon equivalent emission factor of 80.7272 kg C/kg N2O.

Total carbon equivalent emission factor from CH4

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has studied the effects on the relative radiative forcing effects of various greenhouse gases. This effect, called Global Warming Potential (GWP), is described in terms of the Carbon Equivalent of a particular greenhouse gas. CH4 (methane) can be produced by all Fuel Types and has a default carbon equivalent emission factor of 6.2727 kg C/kg CH4.

Total carbon equivalent emission factor from CO2

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has studied the effects on the relative radiative forcing effects of various greenhouse gases. This effect, called Global Warming Potential (GWP), is described in terms of the Carbon Equivalent of a particular greenhouse gas. CO2 (carbon dioxide) can be produced by all Fuel Types and has a default carbon equivalent emission factor of 0.2727 kg C/kg CO2.