CFD tab of model options


This tab allows you set various types of boundary condition for CFD calculations.


If you have previously loaded simulation results as boundary conditions using the CFD Boundary Conditions Edit dialog then this data will be displayed at surface and opening levels.

CFD Boundary Defaults

The attributes that can be set on this tab are shown with the boundary condition type to which they apply. Note that all attributes are displayed at zone level and above in the hierarchy because these act as defaults, but at surface and opening level only the data applicable to the current object is displayed.

Note: Data specified on this tab does not affect EnergyPlus simulations.

Inside surface temperature (internal surfaces)

Applies to: All Internal surfaces and all internal openings


This setting provides a default inside surface temperature for internal surfaces (partitions, internal floors and ceilings) as well as all internal openings. It can be set for all levels in the model hierarchy from building level down.


This value is also used for virtual partitions to represent the average temperature of the surfaces in the adjacent room.

Inside surface temperature (external surfaces)

Applies to: All external surfaces and external doors and sub-surfaces


This setting provides a default inside surface temperature for all external opaque surfaces and openings, including walls, roofs, external floors etc as well as external doors and sub-surfaces. It can be set for all levels in the model hierarchy from building level down.


It does not include external windows though, which are included in the item below.

Inside surface window temperature (external windows)

Applies to external windows


This setting defines the inside surface temperature for external windows. It can be set for all levels in the model hierarchy from building level down.

Average zone air temperature

Applies to: Zone

The average zone temperatures are stored at zone level. These aren't used yet in CFD calculations yet but will be used in checks in a future version to ensure equal convective heat gains are considered in the CFD and EnergyPlus simulations.

Incoming air temperature

Applies to: Supply diffusers (types 1-3) and windows, vents, doors and holes


Temperature of air entering the space through windows, vents, doors and holes.

Component Blocks, Assemblies and Boundary Condition patchs

Data on this tab is also used for entering boundary conditions for component blocks, assemblies and for boundary condition patches drawn onto zone or component block surfaces. For details see:



See also: