Merge Model from File

It is sometime necessary to accommodate changes made by the architect to a BIM model after significant work has already been done on the energy model on a previous iteration of the design. The Merge model from file command allows you to load all of the important settings from the DesignBuilder model you previously worked on into the latest geometry imported from BIM.


In the descriptions below the "old" model refers to the DesignBuilder model you previously worked on whose settings you wish to import, and the "new" model refers to the DesignBuilder model newly imported from the latest BIM model and needing settings to be imported from the old model.


A typical process is as follows:


  1. Create a new DesignBuilder model from the updated BIM model by importing gbXML or through the Revit plugin.
  2. In the new DesignBuilder model, use the Merge model from file command to merge the attributes and any components, templates and HVAC system from the previous "old" DesignBuilder model.
  3. Check the merge has been completed as required. Note that any newly added blocks, zones, surfaces and openings in the updated model will not receive settings from the old model that was merged in.


When the Merge model from file command is selected a dialog is displayed allowing you to select the "old model" file to be merged into the "new model" with some options. When these settings are confirmed DesignBuilder makes the following changes to the new model:


Note: The old and new models referred to above must each only contain 1 building.

Tip: The Merge model from file system was specifically created to accommodate the needs of energy modellers working with BIM models that are often in a state of flux, however it can be used in any situation where data is to be merged from one model to another, especially when some degree of geometry matching is required.