DesignBuilder Model Files

DesignBuilder stores all of its main model data in a single file with .dsb extension making it easy for you to send project models along with associated results to colleagues and clients. A .dsb file includes:



See also:


Guidance for Working with DesignBuilder .dsb Files

DesignBuilder .dsb files should be saved to and loaded from the local hard disk. You should specifically not work with to the following locations:


  1. Dropbox or similar folders which can lock files for synching for storage on cloud servers. If you try to work on Dropbox or OneDrive folders your data will eventually become corrupted as DesignBuilder tries and fails to save to a locked file.
  2. Network drives. Less risky than Dropbox folders but a risk nevertheless.
  3. Removable data sticks.


If you need to store your data using any of the above locations then you should copy your .dsb data stored on the local disk to Dropbox, network or data sticks outside DesignBuilder once you have closed the software down.