Ground Domain - Insulation

Insulation tab on Ground Domain Dialog.


On this tab you can define whether there is horizontal and vertical insulation present and if so the extent and position of the insulation and its thermal properties.

Horizontal Insulation

Horizontal insulation is only applicable to in-grade situations.

Include horizontal insulation

Checkbox indicates whether horizontal insulation is present. When it is checked the data below must be entered.


Where horizontal insulation is present, select the material representing the horizontal slab insulation thermal properties.


Enter the thickness of the horizontal insulation material layer (in m or in).


Droplist selection indicating whether the horizontal slab insulation extends to cover the full horizontal area of the slab, or only covers the slab perimeter. Options are:


Perimeter insulation width

This setting indicates the width of the perimeter insulation measured from the slab edge (in m or ft). Valid range is from > 0 to < 0.5 x smallest slab width. It is not required when the Horizontal insulation extent

Vertical Insulation

Include horizontal insulation

Checkbox indicates whether vertical insulation is present. When it is checked the data below must be entered.


Select the material representing the vertical slab insulation.


Enter the thickness of the vertical insulation material layer (in m or in).


The depth measured (in m or ft) from the ground surface to which the vertical perimeter insulation extends. Valid range is from > Slab thickness to < Domain depth.