HVAC Templates - Heating and Cooling

Heating and Cooling tab on HVAC Templates Dialog.


Heating On

If the template includes heating then check this checkbox. When it is checked the rest of the items below become available.


Heating fuel

Select the type of fuel used to generate the heating energy - choose from:


Interface Fuel Name Fuel in results
1-Electricity from grid Electricity
2-Natural Gas Gas
3-Oil Oil
4-Coal Solid fuel
5-LPG Bottled gas
6-Biogas Bottled gas
7-Anthracite Solid fuel
8-Smokeless Fuel (inc Coke) Solid fuel
9-Dual Fuel Appliances (Mineral + Wood) Other
10-Biomass Other
11-Waste Heat Other


You should select 1-Electricity from grid you wish the results displayed in DesignBuilder to agree with those calculated by EnergyPlus directly for District heating and displayed on the Summary tab of the Simulation screen.

Heating system CoP

The heating system Coefficient of Performance is used to calculate the fuel consumption required to meet heating demand. The value represents the total seasonal efficiency of the entire heating system and should include the effect of all energy consumption associated with building heating such as any boiler fan energy, boiler inefficiency, control equipment etc. It does not include energy involved in air or water distribution (fans or pumps) or control gear, which is accounted for in the Auxiliary energy.

Heating type

There are two heating types available:


Heating Supply Air Conditions

Maximum supply air delivery temperature

The maximum dry-bulb air temperature of the air supplied for heating the zone (in °C or °F).

Maximum supply air humidity ratio

The constant humidity ratio (mass of water per mass of dry air) of the warm supply air to be delivered when heating is required. The default humidity ratio is 0.0156. You should be careful to enter a value that is a valid condition, i.e. it is under the 100% saturation line on the Psychrometric Chart.


Cooling On

If the template includes cooling then check this checkbox. When it is checked the rest of the items below become available.

Cooling system CoP

The cooling system coefficient of performance is used to calculate the fuel consumption required to meet cooling demand. The value represents the total seasonal efficiency of the entire cooling system and should include the effect of all energy consumption associated with building cooling such as fan and pump energy, chiller inefficiency, control equipment etc.

Cooling Supply air conditions

When using Simple HVAC  you can specify the cooling supply air conditions of the air.

Minimum supply air delivery temperature

The minimum dry-bulb air temperature of the air supplied for cooling the zone (in °C or °F).

Minimum supply air humidity ratio

The minimum humidity ratio (kg of water per kg of dry air) of the cool supply air. The default is 0.0077 kg-H2O/kg-air which corresponds to a 10C (50F) dew point. You should be careful to enter a value that is a valid condition, i.e. it is under the 100% saturation line on the Psychrometric Chart.