Load HVAC Template Dialog


You can use the Load HVAC Template dialog to load a fully connected HVAC system to the model either in addition to any system data already defined or to replace it. To load an HVAC template, first go to the HVAC System level then click on the Load HVAC Template tool.

Note: When there are no HVAC loops or HVAC zone groups defined already and you navigate to the HVAC system level, this dialog is opened automatically.

Select the HVAC System Template

The first page on the Load HVAC Template dialog allows you to select the predefined HVAC system you would like to load. The thumbnail image shows an image of the system layout currently selected.



To select a different HVAC system, click on the Detailed HVAC template browse item to reveal the browse button and click on the browse button to bring up a list of available templates. With this list open simply select the HVAC system you would like and press the OK button.



Once you have the right HVAC system selected click on the Next button in the Load HVAC Template dialog.

Select Building Zones

On the second page you can select the building zones to be served by the selected HVAC template. By default all zones that are currently not already served are selected. You will normally want to unselect any unoccupied zones or other zones that are not served by this system.



Replace all existing HVAC systems

On this page of the dialog you can choose to Replace all existing HVAC systems which as the name suggests removes any existing HVAC components before placing the selected HVAC system and allows all zones in the building to be selected as being served by the selected HVAC template.

Override template defaults

This option allows you to override the default settings saved with the template using your own values on further pages on this dialog.

Air System Data

If the HVAC template includes an air system and you chose to override template defaults then on this page you get the opportunity to provide key settings for the air system.


Hot Water System Data

If the HVAC template includes a hot water system and you chose to override template defaults then on this page you get the opportunity to provide key settings for the hot water system.


Chilled Water System Data

If the HVAC template includes a chilled water system and you chose to override template defaults then on this page you get the opportunity to provide key settings for the chilled water system.


Loading the Template

When you have entered all of the necessary data click on the Finish button. If there is no existing HVAC data or you chose to replace all existing HVAC data then the components associated with the HVAC template are placed automatically for you. Alternatively,if the HVAC template is being used to add components to an existing system then you should use the mouse to position the new components away from the existing ones and click with the mouse to actually place them. You may need to zoom out to find a free area to place the new components.

Note: If you click on an area where the new HVAC components would overlap with any that already exist then the load is cancelled.

See the Introduction to Detailed HVAC tutorial