Video Tutorials

DesignBuilder video tutorials are provided on demand to all registered DesignBuilder users free of charge. They mostly last about 10-20 minutes.

Tip: Most people learn most effectively by "doing" rather than "watching" so please do make sure to try out the techniques shown in the tutorials while they are fresh in your mind before moving on to the next tutorial!

Introductory Tutorials

The Getting Started tutorials provide an overview of how to create DesignBuilder models and run simulations.


Basic Geometry

These tutorials cover the key areas needed to get started, including how to quickly create and edit building geometry, automated adjacency assignment, importing/exporting models from/to other tools, and creating thermal zones using partitions.


Basic Model Data

The Basic Model Data tutorials show how to set up data on the Activity, Constructions, Openings, Lighting and HVAC model data tabs for EnergyPlus simulations.



The Calculations tutorials explain how to set up DesignBuilder EnergyPlus simulations and analyse results.


Detailed HVAC

Natural Ventilation



Other Video Learning Resources

Note: These Tutorials and Webinars are also available on the Training section of the DesignBuilder website and on the DesignBuilder YouTube Channel