Display Model Options - Visualisation

Display tab on Model Options dialog.


This option affects the display of the model when orbiting, zooming, panning etc in the Visualisation Screen:


Show shadows

Use this option to display shadows in the Visualisation screen.

Show North arrow

You can use this control to display/hide the North arrow in the Visualisation screen. The North arrow is always displayed on the Layout tab of the Edit screen.

Show ground plane

You can choose to show/hide the plane used to represent the ground in the Visualisation screen. You may wish to hide the ground plane if you have used component blocks to represent the ground.

Note: when displayed, the ground plane extends just beyond the x-y size of the model and hides any other building object situated at or below z=0.


Enter the angular field of view. 50° is the default. For a wide-angle view use a larger value. This can be useful inside a building where you need to capture more of the space in the view. For a "telephoto" effect, with reduced perspective effects, use a smaller value.


Antialiasing is the process used to remove 'jaggy' edges of lines which are not horizontal or vertical. Most modern medium-high-end graphics adapters allow effective antialiasing to be automatically applied to OpenGL screens using hardware acceleration. If you have one of these cards you should be getting sharp lines already and you can switch the DesignBuilder software antialiasing off. See hardware requirements for more on this.


If you switch on software antialiasing you can select a quality setting from 1-4 where 4 gives the smoothest edges and takes longest time to generate.

Note: some low-end graphics adapters are not suited to software antialiasing because they lack hardware acceleration for this feature.