Lighting Model data

Lighting tab in model data


You can load generic Lighting data by clicking on the Template option under Lighting Template and then by clicking on the '...' at the right of the line.


When you make a selection from the list of Lighting templates, data from selected template will be loaded to the model.


With Early gains, the lighting gains in the space are separated into Task and General lighting.  


You can also open these headers to enter lighting details where they are different from those loaded from the template:



When you load lighting data from template, the actual general lighting internal gain is calculated by dividing the W/m2/100 lux data in the template by the required illuminance level as set on the Activity tab. Consequently you should make sure the correct activity data has been loaded in each zone before loading lighting templates. Also, you may need to explicitly load data in each zone by checking each zone in the Target tab of the 'Load data from template' dialog.


Lighting data generates simulation data at the Zone level.

See also the Lighting data and daylight controls tutorial