Program options - Limits

Limits tab of the Program options dialog


Maximum number of circle segments

DesignBuilder does not work with circular objects directly. Instead, any circular perimeters, openings etc drawn are converted to a stream of line segments to represent the circle. DesignBuilder prevents you from generating circles with more segments than this user-defined setting.

Note: you are advised not to exceed the default setting of 32 to prevent overly complex objects from being created.

Maximum number of arc segments

DesignBuilder does not work with arc objects directly. Instead, any arc segments in perimeters and openings etc are converted to a stream of line segments to represent the arc. DesignBuilder prevents you from generating arcs with more segments than this user-defined setting.

Note: you are advised not to exceed the default setting of 32 to prevent overly complex objects from being created.

Maximum name length

This is the maximum length of name in characters for materials and constructions. If DesignBuilder finds names longer than this it will prevent any calculations requested.

Maximum EnergyPlus ESO file size for importing hourly and sub-hourly results (KB)

Before DesignBuilder starts loading an EnergyPlus result set from an ESO file it checks the size of the file. If the file is larger than the value entered here in KB then you will be prevented from loading hourly and sub-hourly results from the file. In this case you will be asked whether you would like to load the results without hourly and sub-hourly results and if so the load continues but hourly and sub-hourly results will not be available for viewing. If you select "No" then the load is cancelled and no results will be available.


This safeguard has been included to prevent users from attempting to load excessively large datasets that could cause the software memory limits from being exceeded.