Sensitivity Analysis Outputs - Standardised Regression Coefficient

After finishing the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, sensitivity analysis results can be accessed from the Simulation screen, by setting the Analysis type to 1-Sensitivity Analysis and Display type to 1-Graph (SRC). The screenshot below shows the main features of the sensitivity analysis results graph.


Graph Controls

Graph plots one output at a time.

Output Selected

Option selected here determines which output is plotted in the graph. List contains all available outputs that were requested as a part of uncertainty analysis run.

Input Order

This option helps in sorting the most sensitive outputs:


Sensitivity Analysis Report

After finishing the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis, the Sensitivity Analysis Report can be accessed from the Simulation screen, by setting the Analysis type to 1-Sensitivity Analysis and the Display type to 6-Report. The report consists of following sections:





Checking Regression Results

Before analysing the Standardised Regression Coefficient (SRC) results it is important to first check the statistics to ensure that the regression based Sensitivity Analysis was successful and that the results are meaningful:



If the statistics indicate good confidence in the correlation it is safe to interpret the results as described above. Otherwise, if there are any issues with the SA results, some recommended actions to improve the accuracy are: