Winter design weather data

Location tab on model data at Site level


Heating design and simulation autosizing simulations use simplified winter design weather based on a worst case design day.


The weather data used in Heating design calculations is as follows:



In addition for zone heating load autosizing this additional data is used:



The degree of 'confidence' of the design data can be selected, i.e. the probability that the design data will occur in practice based on conditions encountered over recent years. Select either 99.6 or 99% confidence (i.e. 0.4 or 1% chance of more extreme winter weather occurring).

See also the Site level data and weather files and Heating Design Calculations tutorials

Sizing Period

When running simulations, some design features may benefit by using a longer design weather period for HVAC autosizing or loads calculations. Longer design periods may be set up by allowing the hourly weather file to be used in the sizing calculations.

Autosize method

Choose the design HVAC autosizing method to use for simulations from the following options:



When 2-Weather file days is selected, enter the From start day and month and the To start day and month as shown in the screenshot below.


Period selection

When the 3-Weather file condition type Autosize method is selected you must choose the Weather file condition type from the following list.


Note: Not all weather files have all of the valid choices so this option is not completely generic. For example there may be extreme cold periods in some weather files but extreme wet periods (tropical) in others.