Auto Connect Tool

This tool can be used to boost your productivity when connecting HVAC plant loops to equipment in Zone groups and Air loops. To connect one or more Plant loops to one or more HVAC loops and Zone groups:


  1. Navigate to HVAC System level.

  2. Select all loops and Zone groups to be connected. Use <Ctrl> + mouse click or the rubber band selection tool to select more than one object.

  3. Click on the Connect components toolbar icon to automatically make the connections.


The diagram below illustrates the process.


Tip: The initial positioning of loops and zone groups can significantly affect the layout of connections generated. The Auto connect tool doesn't try to avoid line intersections, so sometimes the connection layout won't look quite as you would draw it yourself. However if you’re not happy with the result you can always undo the connection, reposition the objects and try again.

Note: There are some limitations in what can be automatically connected to what. For example chilled water loops or hot water loops won't be automatically connected to heat pump condensers. Any connections that were not made automatically can be completed manually using the Connect components tool in the usual way.

See also: Connect Components Tool