Evaporative Cooler - Indirect Wet Coil





Used in:


  • Air Handling Units


The wetted coil evaporative cooler shown in the figure below, has water sprayed directly on the tubes of the heat exchanger where latent cooling takes place. The vaporization of the water on the outside of the heat exchanger tubes allows the simultaneous heat and mass transfer which removes heat from the supply air on the tube side. Secondary air at ambient conditions is passed over the wet coil and is exhausted to outside. The secondary air stream has its own fan.


Evaporative Cooler – Indirect Wet Coil


The process that the secondary air goes through, A to C on the following figure, is a path of simultaneous heat and mass transfer, but it does not follow a line of constant enthalpy as in the direct stage. The process is not adiabatic due to the heat gain from the supply air flowing through the tubes of the heat exchanger.


Secondary Air Process – Indirect Wet Coil Evaporative Cooler




A unique name for an instance of an evaporative cooler which is predetermined by DesignBuilder.


Select the type of evaporative cooler from the list of options:



Coil maximum efficiency

The maximum efficiency of the stage is a combination of the efficiency due to the simultaneous heat and mass transfer on the outside of the tube and the efficiency of the heat exchanger. This value can be higher than the dry coil overall efficiency since the convective coefficients on the outside of the tube are larger.

Coil flow ratio

The Coil flow ratio is determined from performance data. The Coil Flow Ratio tells how quickly the efficiency of the stage would decrease with a mismatch of the supply and secondary flows.

Recirculating water pump power consumption

This field is used to specify the power consumed by the water pump that circulates water (in W).

Secondary Fan

Secondary fan flow rate

This field is used to specify the secondary fan flow rate and is specified in m3/s or ft3/min.

Secondary fan total efficiency

This field is used to specify the total efficiency of the fan and is used to calculate the power consumed by the evaporative cooler secondary fan. Input values should be between 0 and 1.

Secondary fan delta pressure

This field is used to specify the delta pressure across the secondary stage of the evaporative cooler (in Pa or in H2O).


Blowdown On

Select this option to model additional water consumed by the cooler from blowdown. Blowdown is water that is intentionally drained from the cooler’s sump to offset the build up of solids in the water that would otherwise occur because of evaporation.

Blowdown concentration ratio

The value entered here is dimensionless. It can be characterized as the ratio of solids in the blowdown water to solids in the make up water. Typical values are 3 to 5. The default is 3.0.


Availability schedule

Schedule that defines when the coil is available, i.e. whether the evaporative cooler can run during a given time period. A schedule value greater than 0 (usually 1 is used) indicates that the unit can be on during a given time period. A value less than or equal to 0 (usually 0 is used) denotes that the unit is off.