Results Viewer Menu And Toolbar Commands

You can access a range of options from the top menu bar, toolbar and right-click context menus. Note that some commands are only available from the menu bar, others are only available from the toolbar and still others are only available from the context menu.

Top Menu Bar

The Top menu bar has 3 top level entries:



The following menu bar commands are available:





New Session

Creates a new session first closing any currently open session.

Open Session

Save Session


Opens the Options dialog.

Open Datasets

Close Dataset

Datasets drop list

Add selected variables to current graph

Selecting this option causes the variables currently selected in the grid to be plotted on the current graph. The current graph can be identified by the different blue colour (see Selecting a graph). Single variables can also be added to the current graph by double clicking on the variable in the grid.

Add selected variables to new graph

The same as Add selected variable(s) to current graph above but creates a new graph and plots the variable there.

Delete selected variables from current graph

Click this option to remove the selected variable(s) from the current graph. Single variables can also be removed from the current graph by double clicking on the variable in the grid.

Add selected variables to current graph for all datasets

The same as Add selected variable(s) to current graph above but plots equivalent variables for all datasets on the current graph. This option is only available when more than one dataset is loaded.

Add selected variables to new graph for all datasets

The same as Add selected variable(s) to current graph for all datasets above but creates a new graph and plots the variable there.

Remove selected variables from current graph for all datasets

Click this option to remove the selected variable(s) from the current graph for all datasets.

Create composite plot

Sometimes it can be useful to create a new plot by combining data from other plots. The Create Composite Plot dialog allows you to do this for selected plots.

Display Graph

Display the data as a graph instead of a grid.

Display Grid

Display the data as a grid instead of a graph.

Save Grid to CSV File

Allows you to save the data as a comma separated values (CSV) file for loading into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

Add new graph

Adds a new empty graph.

Delete Selected Graph

Removes the currently selected graph along with any variables that were plotted on it. Note that the underlying data is not deleted, just the graph.

Rename Selected Graph

Allows you to change the title for the currently selected graph. To change the name of the current graph right-click on the graph and from the DesignBuilder Options, select the Rename graph title option. Enter the title for the graph in the dialog and press OK.

Copy graphs to another frequency

If you have generated similar data for multiple frequencies then use this tool to use settings for the current frequency and display the same reports using a different frequency.

Change Main Title

Change the text to be used for the main title for the graph.

Undo Zoom

Undo any zoom settings previously made.

Change Axis Range

You can change the Y-axis range for the currently selected report from the Change Axis Range dialog which is accessed by clicking on this toolbar icon. By default the Use default axis range option is checked, in which case Results Viewer auto-scales the Y-axis based on the maximum and minimum values in all datasets that use the units of the selected dataset.


However the Y-axis range can be changed by clicking on the Set axis min/max range option and entering appropriate values for the Axis minimum value and Axis maximum value.


Compare datasets

When exactly 2 datasets are displayed on a graph and there is only 1 graph, you can click on this toolbar icon to display:


See Data Comparison and Calibration for more information.

Change measured plot

When 2 plots are being compared using the Compare datasets tool, one plot is considered to represent measured or reference data while the other is considered to represent the modelled data. Pressing this toolbar icon toggles the selection so what is currently the modelled data becomes the measured data and what is currently the measured data becomes the modelled data.

Context Menu