Simulation Output Options

Miscellaneous model data tab


Output options

Simulation output options can be accessed at building, block, zone, surface and opening levels giving you control of the elements in the model for which output data will be generated.


The way that output options are accessed on the Miscellaneous model data tab depends on the setting of the Allow custom outputs option which is always available at building level here on the Miscellaneous tab and also on the Simulation tab of the Model options dialog and on the Output tab of the Simulation Calculation Options dialog. When Allow custom outputs is unselected (the default setting) all simulation output options can be accessed from the building level only of the Miscellaneous model data tab. There is no flexibility to select different options for different blocks, zone, surfaces and opening. However when Allow custom outputs is selected you can select most of the outputs on a zone-by-zone, surface-by-surface and opening-by-opening basis.

Note: All of the output options listed below are explained in more detail on the main Output options page.

Firstly these output options are always only available at building level, since they apply to all results:



These outputs are available at building level only when Allow custom outputs is unselected, or at building, block and zone levels when it is selected:



Comfort and Environmental:


Detailed Daylight outputs

Summary Annual reports

Summary Monthly reports

Miscellaneous outputs

Store surface output

When the Allow custom outputs option is unselected:

The Store surface output and Store opening output options are available at building level only. You can therefore choose whether or not to generate all data for all surfaces, and likewise for all openings. It is not possible to be selective in this case, i.e. it is not possible to select outputs surface-by-surface or opening-by-opening.

Otherwise when Allow custom outputs is selected:

The surface and opening outputs option options are available at block, zone, surface and opening levels. To access the output options for a particular surface or opening, you should first navigate to that surface or opening and switch on the Store surface output option. This causes results for that surface or opening to be generated and stored but it does not yet select any results for display.


While these settings are used by the program at surface and opening levels, the normal rules of inheritance apply, so you can, for example, navigate to a zone and select the default output options for all surfaces and openings in that zone.


To request surface or opening results select from these options:



See: Surface and Opening Levels for information on the data generated when these surface and opening level options are selected.

Warning: Use these surface and opening output options with caution on large models as, when selected, they will cause large amounts of data to be generated and stored. You should select only the data you need for the building elements of interest.