DesignBuilder files, location and extensions





Any local or network folder(DesignBuilder Data folder is default)

DesignBuilder model description file. Note that dsb files are already compressed so don't need to be 'zipped' before sending in emails.



DesignBuilder exported component/template data


Library folder

Construction and Template exported files.


Any (DesignBuilder Data folder is default)

DesignBuilder Licence file for extended evaluation, activating licences when Internet access is not available or for training.


EnergyPlus folder

EnergyPlus input script file.


Weather data folder

EnergyPlus hourly weather data statistics file used by DesignBuilder to automatically load location and weather statistics to the Hourly weather data dialog when the epw file is selected. stat files are supplied with DesignBuilder and are automatically generated by the Hourly weather data translation process when creating custom weather data.


Weather data folder

EnergyPlus hourly weather data. a database of hourly weather data is supplied by automatic download or you can create your own hourly weather data.

The Climate Analytics help provides a comprehensive description of the epw file format.


EnergyPlus folder

Temporary file generated by DesignBuilder used as input to EnergyPlus - this file is overwritten before each simulation.


EnergyPlus folder

EnergyPlus data definition dictionary (see EnergyPlus documentation for information on this).


EnergyPlus folder

EnergyPlus error message file.


EnergyPlus folder

Standard eso Output File - contains detailed results to be read in by DesignBuilder. This file can also be read by the Results Viewer.


EnergyPlus folder

EnergyPlus model summary configuration output file.


EnergyPlus folder

Report Variable Data Dictionary - list all possible EnergyPlus output reports for a particular idf input file.


EnergyPlus folder

HVAC layout summary file - shows details about the branches, nodes, and other elements of the flow connections. It is intended for use in debugging potential problems and supports the EnergyPlus diagramming tool.


EnergyPlus folder

DXF file (from Report,Surfaces,DXF;)

EnergyPlus folder

Similar to .eso but only has Report Meter outputs.


EnergyPlus folder

A one line summary of success or failure used by DesignBuilder to indicate whether the simulation was successful or not.


EnergyPlus folder

From Debug Output object – may be useful to support to help  track down problems.

EPlusmap.csv EnergyPlus folder For zones simulated with daylighting controls, an illuminance map will be generated with a user defined grid (max 10 x 10) of daylighting reference points. The resulting map is output as a comma delimited text file that can be imported into a spreadsheet program for rapid visualization of the daylighting illuminance patterns in a zone.


EnergyPlus folder

Not directly from EnergyPlus - produced by EnergyPlus utility program that reads the .eso file and produces output files for spreadsheet programs.




Typical Location*


DesignBuilder Data

Documents\DesignBuilder Data

Default location for storing DesignBuilder dsb data files.

DesignBuilder Data\Backup

Documents\DesignBuilder Data

Default location for DesignBuilder automatic backup files and file copies made when opening existing files.



Storing files related to EnergyPlus simulations.



Storing files related to Radiance simulations.

Library data


Library data and .dat files currently being used by DesignBuilder

Diagnostic files folder



Diagnostic files

Template projects


DesignBuilder dsb files stored in this folder can be used as templates for future models. Click on the Templates tab on the Create New Site dialog for a list of available template files.

Weather data

C:\ProgramData\DesignBuilder\Weather Data

EnergyPlus hourly weather data is stored in this folder. The data may have been automatically downloaded from the DesignBuilder website or it can be added manually.

Python scripting folder C:\Program Files (x86)\DesignBuilder\Python27 Add any Python library files you need to access from your Python scripts here


* The actual names of the folders on a particular computer will depend on the language setting and on your Windows user name. The above locations assume English as the language. The Windows user name 'User' is used as an example.

Tip: the above folders can most easily be accessed from the File > Foldersmenu commands.