Filter Selection

The Filter selection dialog provides tools to allow the selection of objects on the Load data from template dialog to be controlled. It is accessed by clicking on the Selection filter link in the Info panel of the Load data from template dialog.


Note: Selections made using this dialog are additive to any already made. To clear any previous selections first you should use the Select none option on the Load data from templates dialog before opening the Filter selection dialog.


There are 3 general selection methods selected from the Filter by drop list:


Adjacency selection

When either 2-Surfaces or 3-Openings are being used Filter by selection method you can define whether the selection should apply to internal, external or to both internal and external objects. Select from:



When the 1-Zones selection method is used you should check the option to Select all zones with specified text in their name and enter the filter text. For example if you wanted to select all zones in the model with the text "corridor" in their zone name then type in "corridor" and press OK. This could be useful as a quick way to load activity templates to particular zone types. It also highlights the importance of using consistent zone naming when setting up models to make it possible to use these tools (as well as for general readability).


When the 2-Surfaces selection method is used you can select surfaces based on their orientation and/or slope with an option to limit selection to zones that are already selected on the Load data from template dialog on the Target tab.

Apply orientation range

Check this checkbox if you would like to select surfaces having a particular range of orientations.

Lower orientation limit

Enter the lower end of the orientation range. For example to be sure of selecting all surfaces that are more or less south-facing you could enter 179 here and 181 for the upper orientation limit below.

Upper orientation limit

Enter the upper end of the orientation range.

Apply slope range

Check this checkbox if you would like to select surfaces having a particular range of slopes.

Lower slope limit

Enter the lower end of the slope range. For example to be sure of selecting all surfaces that are vertical you could enter 90 here and 90 for the upper slope limit below.

Upper slope limit

Enter the upper end of the slope range.

Limit selection to currently selected zones only

To ensure that only surfaces in zones that have already been selected on the Load data from templates Target tab are selected check this checkbox.


When the 3-Openings selection method is used you can select openings based on their orientation and/or slope with an option to limit selection to zones that are already selected on the Load data from template dialog on the Target tab. Settings work in the same way as for surfaces described above.