Edit Openings at Building Level

Building block façade openings can be selected at the building level and subsequently moved, copied, mirrored, stretched or deleted.


In order to edit openings at the building level you first need to select the openings, either clicking on them using the Select tool or by dragging a selection window around them:



The selected openings are highlighted:



When you have selected an opening, you will see that the Move selected object(s), Clone selected object(s), Mirror selected object(s), Stretch selected object(s) and Delete selected object(s) icons are active and you can select one of these commands. As an example, the arched openings and doorway are to be copied onto the angled façade of the leftmost block. To begin with, you need to delete the existing opening on the angled façade by selecting it and clicking on the Delete selected object(s) icon:




Opening removed:



All opening edit operations at the building level automatically convert default openings to custom openings, which is why you need to remove the existing opening.


Then in order to copy the openings, you need to select a handle point and you can do this by first clicking on the Clone selected object(s) command icon and then clicking on the required handle point - the endpoint snap will help in selecting the handle point.



First select the handle point, and then position the copy using the various snaps:



As you move the copied openings across each block façade you will see them automatically snap into the façade plane and after positioning the openings, you can then click on the mouse key to add the openings in the required position:



You will see that any copies that won’t fit into the selected location are automatically discarded.

Note: You can select openings on multiple planes, but in this case the openings can only be deleted, not moved or copied.

See also the Drawing windows and doors tutorial