Save HVAC Template


Use the Save HVAC Template tool if you would like to save the HVAC system defined in your current model for loading to this or other models in the future. To save an HVAC template, first go to the HVAC System level then click on the Save HVAC Template tool.


The dialog that opens allows you to name the HVAC template and provides a summary of the sub-systems that will included with the saved template.


If you press the OK button to save the template the HVAC data is stored in the template library.

Note: The whole HVAC system as seen at HVAC system level is saved and there is no way to selectively save particular parts of the system.

Using the saved template

Any HVAC systems saved as a template in this way will be available for loading using the Load HVAC Template dialog. The HVAC template library is global to the program and so any HVAC templates that you save will automatically be available in other projects. However you can export your HVAC template library in DDF form exactly like any other type of template or component. This is the most secure method to store your HVAC templates as the DDF file can be loaded to other machines and in future installations.

See the Introduction to Detailed HVAC tutorial