Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis - Analysis Type

Analysis Type

Data on the Analysis Type tab allows you to define the analysis and its level of complexity.



The following options are available:


Note: Optimisation and UA/SA results and simulation tools are accessed from the Optimisation + UA/SA tab on the Simulation screen, while Parametric analysis results and simulation tools are accessed from the Parametric tab.


The Level setting is only available for Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis and can be used to set the level of complexity of the problem definition using one of 1-Simple or 2-Detailed. The option selected may depend on the problem at hand and on your level of experience with statistical methods.


The 1-Simple level option provides access to only the most frequently used variable distributions when defining the Design Variables.


Distribution Category


Distribution Curve



  • 3-Binomial
  • 20-Uniform


  • 12-Log-Normal
  • 14-Normal
  • 18-Triangular
  • 19-Uniform



The 2-Detailed level option provides access to an exhaustive list of variable distributions when defining the Design Variables.


Distribution Category


Distribution Curve



  • 1-Bernoulli*
  • 3-Binomial
  • 9-Geometric*
  • 10-Hyper-Geometric*
  • 13-Negative Binomial*
  • 16-Poisson*
  • 20-Uniform


  • 2-Beta
  • 4-Cauchy
  • 5-Chi-Squared
  • 6-Exponential
  • 7-Fischer F
  • 8-Gamma
  • 11-Levy
  • 12-Log-Normal
  • 14-Normal
  • 15-Pareto
  • 17-Student T
  • 18-Triangular
  • 19-Uniform
  • 21-Weibull


* Only available for List Type Variables

Note: The additional distribution curves available with the detailed option require advanced statistical understanding to manage the curves. The Detailed option should therefore be used by advanced users only.