Clear data to default

Model Data Management



The Clear Data to Default dialog allows you to:



The options are:



'Clearing to default' removes any hard-set 'user data' (shown in red) from the current object and instead default data is passed from the 'parent' object in the hierarchy (Model Data shown in blue).


You can control the extent of the 'clearance' by setting the Clear Down to data at the bottom. Leave this data as Surface level if you want all data in the currently selected model object (including child objects) to be returned to a default state.


Note: The Clear data to default command does not apply to CFD boundary object attributes such as window Flow in and Flow out, Supply diffuser Flow rate attribute and all other attributes associated with CFD boundary objects.

See also the Model data hierarchy and inheritance tutorial

Clear Data to Default used at Building Level

Using Clear data to default at building level has a special function. It causes all data below building level in the model hierarchy to be cleared but does it not clear the data at building level. This makes sense when you consider that building level is effectively top level as buildings don't inherit any model data from Site level.


The way to understand use of this function at building level is that data at block level and below is cleared which ensures that building data is used throughout the model.

How to Access

The Clear data to default dialog can be accessed in 2 main ways: