Daylighting Calculation Options - LM-83-12

This topic covers the Daylighting calculation options specific to the 4-LM-83-12 Simulation type.

LM-83-12 Simulation Options

Dynamic shading method

For an explanation of the Dynamic shading method options, see the Dynamic shading method article.

Override zone occupancy schedule

By default the occupancy schedule used for each zone in the Annual simulations are based on the zone Occupancy schedule defined on the Activity tab, however you can override this to use the same occupancy schedule for each zone by selecting this option and selecting the schedule in the browse control below.

Occupancy schedule

When the above Override zone occupancy schedule option is selected, you can select the occupancy schedule to be used to define when zones are occupied for all zones in the simulation. Values in the schedule greater than 0 indicate occupancy.


The default occupancy schedule provided by DesignBuilder does not include daylight saving time (DST). DST has to be added manually to the schedule. For example for the Northern Hemisphere you can use a schedule like the following:


8:00 - 18:00 Every day (DST Northern Hemisphere),


Through: 03/30,

For: AllDays,

Until: 08:00, 0,

Until: 18:00, 1,

Until: 24:00, 0,

Through: 10/26,

For: AllDays,

Until: 07:00, 0,

Until: 17:00, 1,

Until: 24:00, 0,

Through: 12/31,

For: AllDays,

Until: 08:00, 0,

Until: 18:00, 1,

Until: 24:00, 0;

sDA Thresholds

sDA lower illuminance threshold

Enter the lower illuminance threshold, the minimum level of illuminance (in lux or fc) below which lighting levels are considered to be inadequate. A typical lower threshold value for sDA calculations is 300 lux.

ASE Thesholds

ASE illuminance threshold

Enter the maximum level of illuminance (in lux or fc) above which lighting levels are considered to be likely to lead to visual discomfort, i.e. glare. A typical upper threshold for ASE calculations is 1000 lux.