Results Viewer Supported Dataset File Formats

You can load dataset files of the following extension and formats to Results Viewer:



The processes involved with working with these file formats are described below.

Tip: Each You can load multiple datasets to Results Viewer to allow data comparison. This applies to .eso, .epw, .csv and .drb dataset files.

.eso EnergyPlus Simulation Results File

.eso is the main EnergyPlus detailed simulation results file format supported by DesignBuilder. These files can be loaded into Results Viewer using its Open Datasets toolbar command. They can also be loaded directly into Results Viewer by double-clicking on an eso file in Windows File Explorer if the .eso extension has previously been associated with Results Viewer.


.eso files from the previous simulation can typically be found in DesignBuilder's EnergyPlus folder.


When you load simulation results from the DesignBuilder Simulation screen using either the View EnergyPlus Results toolbar / menu command or from the Simulation Manager using the View results in DesignBuilder Results Viewer toolbar command then an eso file from the simulation will be loaded along with the corresponding html summary results file.

.htm/.html EnergyPlus HTML Summary Results File

EnergyPlus generates a summary results file in html format. These can be attached to the current dataset from the Open Datasets toolbar / menu command.


When you load simulation results from the DesignBuilder Simulation screen using either the View EnergyPlus Results toolbar / menu command or from the Simulation Manager using the View results in DesignBuilder Results Viewer toolbar command then an htm summary results file from the simulation will be loaded along with the corresponding eso detailed results file.

Note: only one htm file can be added per dataset.

.epw EnergyPlus Format Hourly Weather File

EnergyPlus format hourly weather files can be loaded as new datasets to Results Viewer using the Open Datasets toolbar / menu command. They can also be loaded directly into Results Viewer by double-clicking on an epw file in Windows File Explorer if the .epw extension has previously been associated with Results Viewer.

.csv Spreadsheet File

Results Viewer can load csv files of specific formats as new datasets. The csv formats that can be loaded are described below. Note that if you would like to load a csv file with different format to those described below it will usually be possible to modify the csv file to conform with one of the supported formats.

Results Viewer Export Format

This is the format exported using the Save grid to CSV file toolbar / menu command.


These files consist of a dataset header listing the datasets involved followed by a blank line, followed by 2 rows with a column per selected report which define the data in the rows below. Sections A, B and C in the screenshots below illustrate the overall layout.


In a spreadsheet:


The same data in a text editor:


The format is described in more detail below.


Dataset headers (Section A)

Multiple rows identifying the original datasets relating to the data columns as loaded into the session from which the export file was created. Each dataset label is prefixed by an index number.


Empty line

This is represented by a CR/LF only.


Column headers for exported data (2 rows)

i) Row 1: column identifiers

ii) Second row

Data rows

Each row starts with the Date/time, followed by delimited values for each variable.

Note: The original dataset names are discarded on import, since they have no meaning. Instead, all columns will be assigned to a new dataset with the name of the CSV file.

DesignBuilder Grid Results Export Format

This is the format exported when viewing results on the main DesignBuilder screen using the Grid format. It is accessed by setting the Show as Display option to 2-Grid.


These files consist of a header with 2 rows which define the data in the rows below. Subsequent rows contain the data itself. Sections A and B in the screenshots below illustrate the overall layout.

Note: In this format, all values are enclosed in quotes.

In a spreadsheet:


The same data in a text editor:


Line 1 - Column headers (Section A)

Date/Time first, followed by Data column names.

Note that the Date/Time format is local time.


Line 2 – Units (Section A)

The Date/Time column is left blank and so this line starts with a delimiter.


Line 3 to end of file – Data (Section B)

The first column is always Date/Time. This is followed by the data , one item per column to align with the data column headers.

DesignBuilder Grid Results Export Format - Modified

This format is the same as DesignBuilder Grid Results Export Format above, but prefixed with a header. The format has been developed to read files exported by a tool for reading data generated by building data collection systems that is still under development. The header includes a version number and an interval value to define the meaning of the data. Multiple intervals are not allowed to be mixed within a single CSV file.


Version followed by a numeric value for file format version. (Defines remaining header fields)


Interval which can be one of:



Example data:



"Date/Time","Mech Vent + Nat Vent + Infiltration","External Infiltration”



.drb Results Viewer Binary File

.drb files are a binary representation of the data format used internally by Results Viewer. A drb file represents the data in a single dataset. They can be saved and loaded more quickly than eso and csv files and are used internally within drs session files, one drb file per dataset in the session.


These files can be saved by using the File > Save dataset as file menu command.