Tariff Analysis - User Variables

User variables tab on Tariff Analysis dialog


This tab defines and stores any user defined variables required for selection on other tabs of this dialog. Direct entry of monthly values can be entered for each variable.

Note: Variables are defined using a text name which must be entered exactly on the previous tabs to match with the variable defined here.

The places on the other Tariff analysis dialog tabs where a variable can be entered are:

Tariff tab

Charge tab

Qualify tab

Ratchet tab

Variables Used

Number of variables used

Enter the number of variables to be defined.

Variable n Settings

For each variable enter the following data.


This field defines the name of the variable.

Variable type

This field is used to indicate the kind of units that may be associated with the variable. It is used by IDF Editor to display the appropriate SI and IP units for the January through December values. The available options are shown below. If none of these options are appropriate, select Dimensionless which will have no unit conversion.


January through December values

January value

February value


December value


Each field contains an entry of the monthly values of the variable. Normally 12 months are used for most utility rates and so 12 values should be entered.